Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Eta Theta

We want to do good in the world with the hope that our world will become a better place for all people. 

More diverse. More equitable. More actively inclusive.


DEI “Darties”

About once a month, the DEI committee shares information about significant holidays, ways to support minority-run small businesses in the St. Louis area, background about current events, aspects of campus history, breaking down stereotypes, and more!

DEI Weekly Chapter Updates

Our DEI committee actively meets to prepare weekly updates for our chapter. During these updates, our committee brings awareness to what social justice is, issues of social justice members are passionate about, opportunities to grow in DEI, local and national level legislation, etc.


For more information and resources regarding all things DEI, check out the resources our DEI committee has put together!

Soapbox in Eta Theta

What is a “Soapbox?”

In Eta Theta, a “Soapbox” is an opportunity for members to share with the chapter something they are passionate about. Members can talk about an aspect of their identity, an experience, a piece of advice, an organization, and so much more. Be sure to check out some soapboxes members have given!


The Importance of Female Friendships

Madi Mazzorana, MC ’20, presented November 15, 2022, to the chapter about the Importance of Female Friendships. Be sure to check out her presentation and resources!


To learn more about the passions of our members, please click the button below!